Get your garden gear ready


DIY and how-to

Light blue gardening fork and trowel in a bucket alongside yellow gardening gloves, and a watering can in a wicker basket surrounded by greenery.

A busy few months lie ahead in the garden, so it’s important to make sure that all your tools are in good shape.

Here are a few items to add to your garden checklist:

  • Sharpen and clean spades, hoes, secateurs and loppers. Wipe the blades of secateurs and loppers with methylated spirits to kill any possible fungal residues.
  • Take your lawnmower and your edge trimmer for a service.
  • Have a rectangle of foam cut out, cover it with thick plastic and use it as a kneeling pad for when you’re planting seedlings. Your knees will thank you!
  • Buy a new pair of gardening gloves, as well as gardening goggles to protect your eyes when spraying plants, or using the edge trimmer.
  • No garden should be without a watering can. Use one with clearly marked measurements on the outside. This will enable you to dilute liquid fertilizer easily, and then water it directly on to your plants.
  • Check your automatic irrigation system for leaks and ensure that all sprayer heads are working and are optimally positioned.

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