How to plant Bougainvillea


DIY and how-to

A wooden stem blooming bougainvillea flowers against a white sky.

How to plant Bougainvillea

Young bougainvilleas in plastic bags have very brittle root systems which are easily damaged during the planting process, resulting in a plant that struggles to thrive.

Here’s a quick and easy way to plant your Bougainvilleas :

  • Place the bougainvillea plant (still in the nursery bag) in a hole in well-prepared soil.
  • Make sure that the plant is at the same depth in the soil as it was in the bag.
  • Carefully slit the slides of the bag vertically on four sides.
  • Carefully fill the gaps that form where the slits have been made with soil, making sure that the soil around the root ball does not fall away.
  • Add extra soil to firm the plant in place and water well.

There you have it – a happy and undamaged plant that is sure to provide you with beautiful blooms for years to come.